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    Drug addiction and near-death experiences cannot stop a loving God–Sylvie’s Story

    Think you’re past the point of forgiveness? Well, Sylvie spent most of his life selling drugs and taking heroin to hide his pain. In and out of prison, multiple near-death experiences, it seemed nothing could get his attention to let him know there was a way out. God reached Sylvie in the most unexpected way.

    Finding rescue and restoration–Gary’s Story

    You don’t start out in life planning to live on the streets. After a painful childhood and three failed marriages, Gary found himself with no home to go to. Find hope for whatever you may be facing as you learn how God turned Gary’s life around.

    When hope is lost, God hears your cry–LaVanna’s Story

    Few things are more painful than losing a loved one. When LaVanna lost her husband to cancer, the loneliness was overwhelming. We’ll be reminded that in our most desperate moments God hears our cry. Have you lost all hope?

    Rescue And Response

    The sign outside Dave James’ shop in Seattle, Washington, says more about getting your life repaired than it does about fixing your vacuum cleaner, but Dave is in business to do both. The top line of the sign is always the same: Free Bibles Inside. The second line changes and features thoughts such as: Surrender Your Heart for a Brand-New Start.

    A Poor Substitute

    What happens when a person abandons his faith in God? Cases differ, to be sure, but most faith-renouncers confess to sensing a void inside. They have an emptiness that must be filled. Inevitably, they turn to a God-substitute.

    Almost anything can serve as a God-substitute—sports, art, sex, music, work, gambling, drugs, alcohol, TV—even another person.

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